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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Packerland Eyecare a proud provider of vision care products and services in Chilton and Appleton.

Sarah E. Dierks, O.D.

Dr. Sarah Dierks is a native of the Fox Valley with deep family roots in Chilton. Her grandfather Earl Pfeffer operated Pfeffer Funeral Home for 50 years here in Chilton, with Dr. Sarah Dierks spending her youth and adulthood around the same office and community she now operates here in Chilton. In fact, her kids play in the same parks, waterways, and sidewalks that Earl and family walked in the 1950s.

Dr. Sarah Dierks earned her B.S. degree in Biological Sciences at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She then earned her Doctorate of Optometry degree (OD) from Indiana University School of Optometry. Dr. Dierks has done further clinical training at LasikPro in Orlando, FL, Omni Eye Services of Atlanta in Atlanta, GA, and Vision Care Specialists in Des Plaines, IL, along with specialty training at Indiana University Atwater and Community Eye Care clinics in Bloomington, IN.

Dr. Dierks practiced for 4 years outside of Omaha, Nebraska, where she was voted “Best of Papillion”. Her husband is retired military, and they relocated to Wisconsin, where she has been serving the Fox Cities for more 10 years. Dr. Sarah Dierks lives with her husband, 4 active kids, and operates an Appleton clinic as well. Dr. Dierks prides herself in giving excellent individual-tailored eye care. With convenient appointment times, please call or book online, and she can make sure you are taken care of.